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Why didn’t we follow our own Social Media Strategy...

Updated: Sep 21, 2020

In the last 12 months we have curated 21 Social Media Strategies to businesses in Melbourne. Corporate companies, well-established brands, services-based businesses, start-ups and even talented individuals wanting to use their social platforms ‘correctly’.

Prior to launching Rubik, like any business, I spent months planning and working towards making my ideas into a business; this including Rubik’s own Social Media Strategy… 12 months later, I have not once opened the document or followed any of the advice, ideas or timelines curated.

A business that specialises in Social Media, that doesn’t use their own social media?

Some may hear alarm bells, others are nodding their head with confidence that their view that social media is a waste of time is correct.

To be brutally honest, the reason Rubik have barely posted anything on their socials is that… we simple are time-poor - we do not have 1 allocated person managing our posts. Although every week there is time scheduled for our marketing, new clients, new jobs, client management, accounting, day-to-day problems, a global pandemic, saying yes to work when really I was already working a 60 hour week… All the excuses under the sun which resulted in our platforms experiencing severe neglect.

I have deep guilt that what we specialise in, we didn’t use. With our first year of business complete, not only have we developed new strategies, business goals and services, we are expanding our team which will allow us to execute our strategy with meaningful posts and beautiful content.

What is a Social Media Strategy?

Simply, it is a plan to get your business to where it wants to go. There are 100s of businesses that offer the same service or product as you do, so this strategy defines and helps execute how to utilise your platforms. Say no to ad-hoc posts!

Think of is like a magical social media oven: we interview you and research for the key ingredients to bake the most delicious cake for your audience.

Why should ALL businesses have a Social Media Strategy?

Let me tell you, crossing your fingers and hoping for the best isn’t a social media strategy. I see TOO many businesses dive in, set up their socials, start posting like crazy and then wonder why they haven’t seen an influx in followers or sales.

Time is money, so why waste your time and resources?

This process includes us helping our client set their business objectives (sales, grow your email list, built authority, brand awareness, secure business?), identifying their ideal client and tone of voice, developing a content plan + implementing tactics that are designed to help them push AND achieve their socials goals.

After this session, our clients receive a beautiful document with all the findings & a step-by-step guide to managing their social media. Majority of our clients use this document for run in-house, but also have the option for us to manage it for them! We also have some clients that get us to create the content, and they do the rest.

There is no point investing money into content, or spending time from your day to post something to your audience, when you have no direction or purpose to post. OR like Rubik, take the time and effort to build a strategy, but not invest somebody to implement that.

From my own personal working with clients, as well as being a consumer – social media is the BEST and has the ability for businesses to propel forward, when it’s done right.

We specialise in social media (strategy, ads + management) & content creation (photography + videography). We want to help brands and businesses of all shapes and sizes navigate and utilise this phenomenal marketing tool, enabling them to build strong connections, communities + sales.

If you’re seeking help with how to use your social media page, or need an extra hand managing it from day-to-day to include as many/little tasks that your business requires (copywriting, remote content production, ads, community management) please get in touch.

Don’t need us? We hope this guide was helpful for you and your team, even it’s a reminder of the basics.

Stay safe!


Director of Rubik Agency


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